CASH Assistance Beneficiaries Registration system - SARC Syria

Posted by TarepSH

Custom ODK Collect Application Development: Designed and developed a customized ODK Collect application that facilitates reading beneficiaries’ personal IDs by scanning barcodes through a volunteer’s mobile camera in the field. Implemented offline synchronization to ensure seamless data collection in areas with limited connectivity.

ETL Pipeline Development: Engineered an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline using Dataiku and Python to efficiently process, clean, analyze, and store data. This pipeline ensures smooth data integration and availability via APIs for integration into other programs.

As of the last update in 2023, the system manages data for 24,779 registered beneficiaries. Approximately 34.5% (8,554 beneficiaries) utilized the ID barcode scanner feature via camera, including 4,811 beneficiaries with Syrian IDs and 696 records with family statements, encompassing 5,835 beneficiaries.

Links and some photo of the system:


screenshot of odk app

screenshot of dataiku ETL