Meet TOEBI your composting robot

Posted by TarepSH

TOEBI Makers - A robot that makes compost for us with a mobile app

I want to share an exciting chapter of my life that revolves around my participation in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) India. This international robotics competition brought together young minds from different corners of the country, igniting a passion for technology, innovation, and teamwork. Join me as I take you through my incredible journey of joining and preparing for the WRO India competition.

What is WRO Open Category? what is WRO?

The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) is a global robotics competition for young people. The World Robot Olympiad competition uses Lego Mindstorms manufactured by LEGO Education. First held in 2004 in Singapore, it now attracts more than 26,000 teams from more than 65 countries.

The Open Category is a project based competition. Students create their own intelligent robotics solution relating to the current theme of the season. Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges on the competition day.

1. The Spark of Interest

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by robotics. The idea of creating intelligent machines that can interact with the world around us always seemed like a magical realm waiting to be explored. So, when I stumbled upon the World Robot Olympiad, it felt like the perfect platform to turn my passion into reality.

2. Assembling the Team

In the early stages, I shared my enthusiasm with like-minded friends who shared my interest in robotics. Together, we formed a team of three determined individuals, eager to take on the challenges that awaited us. Our diverse skill sets and complementary strengths laid the foundation for a successful collaboration.

3. Choosing the Theme

Each year, the WRO presents a unique theme to challenge participants’ creativity and problem-solving abilities. We eagerly awaited the theme announcement, and when it finally arrived, it centered around sustainability and the environment. Excitement filled our hearts as we brainstormed ideas and contemplated how our robot could contribute to a greener future.

4. Designing and Building

With the theme in mind, we began the process of designing our robot. We researched different mechanisms, explored various sensors and actuators, and sketched countless prototypes on paper. It was a thrilling experience to witness our ideas slowly take shape in the physical world. Hours turned into days as we tirelessly soldered, assembled, and fine-tuned our creation.

5. Programming the Intelligence

Building the physical robot was just the first step; we needed to breathe life into it through programming. We chose a programming language that allowed us to write complex algorithms and create autonomous behaviors for our robot. The code became the bridge between our imagination and the actions our robot would perform during the competition.

6. Testing and Iteration

As the competition date drew closer, we subjected our robot to rigorous testing and iteration. We fine-tuned its movements, optimized the algorithms, and eliminated any weaknesses we discovered along the way. It was a challenging process, but we understood that the key to success lay in perseverance and continuous improvement.

7. Competing at WRO India

Finally, the day arrived when we showcased our robot at the WRO India competition. The atmosphere was electrifying, filled with the buzzing energy of participants from all over the country. We exchanged ideas, made new friends, and marveled at the incredible innovations others had brought to the table. It was an enriching experience that broadened our horizons and expanded our understanding of robotics.

8. The Thrill of Achievement

After months of hard work and dedication, our efforts bore fruit. We not only received recognition for our robot’s performance but also gained invaluable experiences and skills. The sense of achievement was overwhelming, knowing that our determination and teamwork had paid off. It was a moment I will cherish forever.

Participating in the World Robot Olympiad India was an exhilarating journey that fueled my passion for robotics. It was not just about winning or losing; it was about pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and fostering a love for technology and innovation. The WRO India experience has shaped me into a more confident and creative individual, ready to take on future

You can find more in this video and the full report down below:

Toebi makers wro india 2016 - open category - syria - report-update1 from Tarek Sheikh AL-Shbab