WRO Costa Rica 2017 - Latakia 2030

Posted by TarepSH

What is WRO Open Category? what is WRO?

The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) is a global robotics competition for young people. The World Robot Olympiad competition uses Lego Mindstorms manufactured by LEGO Education. First held in 2004 in Singapore, it now attracts more than 26,000 teams from more than 65 countries.

The Open Category is a project based competition. Students create their own intelligent robotics solution relating to the current theme of the season. Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges on the competition day.

Latakia 2030

Is a simulation of our vision for Syria in 2030 to be a smart country that uses the latest technology, green building methods, clean energy, data mining, image processing, visual reality, agreement reality, machine learning, computer vision, and more advanced technology.

And we chose is the best place to start is Lattakia City in 2030 because of the rishi history and great geographic location that have a sea, mountains, and living city.

WRO Costa Rica 2017 – Latakia 2030 - Syria - Report from Tarek Sheikh AL-Shbab