ICT Incubator Bootcamp, Damascus & Homs City

Posted by TarepSH

We have launched an ICT (Information and Communication Technology Incubator) Bootcamp for entrepreneurship and startup in Syria this Bootcamp is one week long that gives all the participants the knowledge they need it to start their trip in entrepreneurship and start building their startup.

We have the Bootcamp in October 2015 for Damascus and we accepted 21 ideas from, and we do it in ICTI in Homs city for 14 ideas in November 2015, and we are preparing for another one in ICTI in Latakia this summer 2016.

the topics and agenda of bootcamp was about:

  • What is entrepreneurship and difference between SME and Startup?
  • Lean Startup: what it gets and misses about your startup
  • Why Companies Fail - Business Model
  • Communication - e Marketing - Branding Guidelines
  • How to Finance your startup - Income statement - - Revenue Streams
  • Pitching - What does an investor look for?

The great team we work together in this Bootcamp:

